Welcome to The Canadian Nursing Career Assistance Program - CNCAP

Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews & Testimonials

I’m sure you don’t remember me but I took your review class in March and wrote the OSCE the following week.  During the review you took me aside and gave me a bit of a pep talk.  I cannot thank you enough for taking the time not only to offer the course but to take the time to talk to me personally.  I must say your kind words and wisdom were running through my head the entire time I was taking the test.

I am so excited to share with you that on Saturday I found out I passed the test and just this morning I mailed the documentation for licensure to the CNO!!

I wanted to let you know that taking your prep course was the best decision I made and as well worth the time and money!  I would highly recommend your course to everyone who has to take the OSCE.

Now my next hurdle is to find a job, hopefully in the field of geriatrics.  I just wanted to send you a quick update and say thank you!!!

Kyla Forbrs (Ancaster Ontario)
IENCAP / OSCE Review – March 2017 batch

RPN Exam Preparation Course

My first chance and I made it (RPN Exam Prep. Mississauga ON)

I want to use this medium to thank the both of you towards the success of my RPN exam. it was my first chance and I made it.

Thank you , words can’t explain my joy right now. I also hope other candidates were also successful.

However, it would be also appreciated if you can guide me in navigating jobs around.

Thank you again.

Kind Regards

Nnenna Omeziri-Duru
Mississauga, ON
RPN Exam Comprehensive Guidance Program – July 2016 Batch

NCLEX RN Exam Preparation

Name: (NCLEX RN Exam Prep Hamilton, ON)

Course attended: NCLEX-RN Comprehensive Guidance Program

Comment: When I was not successful with the CRNE exam the first time, I was recommended to CNCAP. What was very helpful to me was the small class group and the discussion we had about the topics we focused on. Most importantly, they helped me gain my confidence back as I was very disappointed in myself for not passing. Concentrating on one resourceful book made life easier and brought success. I passed the exams now and I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who needs help and support to pass the CRNE exams. Overall, gaining my confidence, having a positive attitude, along with the guide and support they provided me helped me pass the exams. Great class!!! Thank you very much for all your help and support!!!

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